The Promised Land of Relationship
Maybe it was a hasty decision to retitle the blog. Afterall, it really is a journey. So be it! Time will tell whether right or wrong, for now it stays.
All day I've been in this thought mode, cogitating really on present happenings. Ned and I were talking to our son. I'll bet all pastors' kids hate it when their parents use them as illustrations especially when others discover things about them. This one I think will be for good all the way round, though.
We were discussing when would we get to the point in our relationship (events occurred previously that divided our relationship with one another) when we could be transparent, vulnerable even, so that God's healing grace could really begin to rebuild. He pointed out that we are not at that place yet, very quickly and agitatedly. To which I responded cuttingly and with frustration that that was just the point. We are always pointing fingers or hearing through our own filters. We agreed to at least aim for getting there. We would start by believing the best and not responding in anger and hurt but honestly and maturely as best we could. And we would all do our best to help each other with it.
Tonight while Ned and I were praying for him and the family it hit me right between the eyes! That's it! The place where we are reconciled to our Father! Sin has divided us and prevented us from seeing, hearing and comprehending our Father's heart for us! Jesus laid down His life for us, showing us the Way to the Father. Laying down our lives for one another as He did for us. Denying one's self, preferring one another. Jesus laid down His life for us and God chose to forgive us! In His awesome grace and love for us He allowed Jesus to show us the Way back!
Why do bad things happen to good people? Could it be that's what it takes for us to recognize how far away we have gone? How wide the gap between us has become? Oh, how much more His heart has been hurting all the while! Yet when He has the right to turn away and truly forget us, He sends His Son to die for us so that we can find our Way back to Him! What a prodigal Father indeed!
Oh how I wish I could find that doctor I met on the plane to Costa Rica years ago. He was a creatinologist (is there such a thing?) from Rhode Island. And his big question that kept him from believing there was a God was why did He allow such terrible things to happen to innocent people. Everywhere I read in the Bible God's broken heart is revealed. Not to be on show but to show that He cares for us so very much!
Saturday a formerly homeless woman, Anne, called me to ask if I was coming to visit her. She and her husband Walter were out of food, broke and in need. I told Anne I couldn't come that day because the car was still being repaired. It was true but more importantly Anne needed to ask God not me. I know she was but maybe I needed to be reminded to pray. That's what we did, over the phone, me in English and Anne in Afrikaans. And Sunday morning early she called to tell me how God had heard those prayers and answered them! I have to be honest here, I was beginning to doubt my prayers were effective at all per the previous stuff happening at home. Anne's called renewed my conviction! God does hear and wants to respond! Then I started thinking of all the other prayers I prayed that he had recently answered.
All to the point, there is a huge promised land of relationship on offer and it starts with us and our Heavenly Father! Some of us may not have known Him, believed before, whatever... but He still will never leave us or forsake us! He is so available if we will stretch out our hand he will respond. I can see the disciple stretching his hand toward Jesus as he sunk into the water and Jesus pulling him up as quickly as he asks for help. He stops looking at his circumstances and focusses on the One who is all!
Whats's Up im new here. I stumbled upon this chat board I have found It incredibly accommodating & its helped me alot. I hope to give something back & assist others like it has helped me.
Thank You, See You Later
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