Excuse me... do you know the way to the promised land?
What happens when we get lost or confused? I guess first we have to admit that we ARE lost and/or confused. I mean, I know some men in my life who would never let that happen! They would appear to have gotten us lost but they aren't willing to admit we are truly lost, just momentarily on a different road. We smile knowingly it's just that our spouse, father, brother, friend's nature is not to admit he is wrong. That's not the most important thing to me- that they might be wrong. What is important is their willingness to be teachable, to listen, to converse, discuss and receive data they did not necessarily come up with on their own.
It reminds me of conversations I've had in my life where I wasn't connecting communcatively. I thought it was the responsibility of the other person to figure out what I was saying. How could I fail? I knew what I wanted to say! Yet, along the way I've discovered there are these things called filters. Another name might be chip on your shoulder. Or biased judgment, stiff necked, hard-headed, unwilling to listen or learn, etc. Aren't we all like that when it comes to getting our point across? Does it have something to do with offendable hearts? If we could just not be so easily offended by what another says. Yet, if we can be offended we will be offended, won't we? It's a little hot potato game! Why are we offended? Do I offend others? Is it my intention? And that being said, does that matter? Once it's done, it's done. I guess Forrest was right people are like a box of chocolates, stupid is as stupid does! I just now get that! We can be offended and reflexively choose to offend back. It's working well for the countries around the world in war, let me tell you! So why do we do it? Why aren't we willing to look deeper to see what's inside that pushes people's buttons? Why don't we care?
In relationships it would appear to be a two way street. Each comes to their lane with compliance to drive on their correct side and to watch out for others, not hitting or crashing into each other. Now, is that because we are playing by the rules or because we are looking out for our own best interest? Could it also be because we know tit for tat is like stupid is as stupid does. One stupid sees another doing stupid things that cause the first one to stoop lower and do even more stupid things! Our goals in relationship/communication are not on the same page! We see what we see and want the other to see that! And we aren't looking anywhere else till he does! That's my story and I am sticking to it! "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." But you know what you want, don't you?
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