Fruit That Lasts?

John 15:15-17:
"I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other."
Apple Of His Eye
We met Laura ten years ago through Blood N Fire, Costa Rica. Laura knew she was destined for Africa, but no clue how or when. We also knew God would send us to South Africa one day so invited Laura to be a part of our family in Atlanta, preparing for when God would send us.
In 1999 we all moved into Blood N Fire's corporate headquarters called "the warehouse". It literally was a 100 year old warehouse on the outskirts of Capitol Homes, one of the 42 housing projects we'd begun ministry to the poor. In addition to offices where we worked daily, Blood N Fire also met there weekly on Sundays for church. We had a 90,000 sq. ft. building that we used only on Sundays! We knew a lot of folks who could find sanctuary daily there. So we moved our Sunday service to another day of the week and offered the building as a shelter; at the time there were hundreds of families in need. We didn't have the funds or the staff but trusting God to provide, we invited those in need of shelter, food and a place to call home.
In Acts 2 'they met together daily, going from house to house, breaking bread together and devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching.' And they did it with glad and sincere hearts. As we began to meet in the same way in Cape Town God revealed a vision to us- to rebuild family in community. We had nothing to give until we allowed God to rebuild our lives together as a family. We were encouraged by Paul's letter to the Romans.
Romans 12:1: "Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good and pleasing and perfect will ."
It wasn't an easy transition for any of us. God began to chisel on the outer shells of our hard hearts, cutting out the old and forming the new. It wasn't long before God would lead us in unique ways around the city. A friend of Laura's spoke of a shelter for women in need of prayer and encouragement. Laura took her guitar and began weekly times of worship and prayer. Natasha was a very pregnant refugee from Zimbabwe who'd been working as a cook in a nearby restaurant. She and her husband had planned to rebuild their lives in South Africa but he found another wife in Zimbabwe and sent divorce papers just after Taku was born. Hopes and dreams dashed, Natasha came to Laura for prayer, knowing God had a better way. Soon after Laura helped them find a flat to rent that Natasha's meager salary could afford. Over the years Natasha and Laura continued to meet, to worship, pray and fellowship together. Taku played while they prayed and shared faith with one another. Natasha eventually found a better place to live, renting a room from a church nearby. She launched her own daily catering business, selling sandwiches to the businesses in the area where they lived and eventually her faith enabled her to rent a building for her own restaurant! Things were shaky, but she remained full of hope and faith until… news that her mother, brother and nephew were killed in an automobile accident in Canada. On the heels of this news came the landlord's notice ending Natasha's dream of having a restaurant. Short on the rent and broken-hearted over the loss of her entire family Natasha contemplated suicide. Yet she still knew God had a plan for her life and Taku's. It was a rocky road of faith we walked with her over the next few months. She lost the restaurant and all the wonderfully donated stuff that witnessed daily of God's faithfulness. Then the church decided to remodel. Natasha and Taku would have to find a new place to live. Every place she applied required a South African identity and a previous weekly payslip as proof of employment. Rent had skyrocketed and they simply couldn't find a place Natasha could afford near Taku's school. All of us prayed and watched the papers but to no avail. Natasha wasn't looking for handouts, she wanted to find the place God had for her and trusted him to find the way.
Meanwhile Laura visited with her family in the states for three weeks. It had been the first time Laura could remember they'd been on vacation together and had fun. In fact, Laura was so moved by the rebuilding of their relationship that for the first time in Laura's life she wanted to be near her parents, spend time with them, and enjoy what moments they might have left together. However, she also didn't want to give up rebuilding with the family in Cape Town. Please pray for Laura to know God's will for this time in her life. In the seven years we've been here Laura has attended culinary school, graduating as a chef with distinction and presently works at a prestigious bakery. Part of Laura's dream is to help other women learn culinary skills that will help them with employment. Realizing the gift of rebuilding in her own family she longs to help other women rebuild their lives.
Through Natasha's need Laura approached Ned, could Natasha and Taku come and live in family with us? Could we make room for two more? Last Friday we moved Natasha and Taku out of the room they rented. Taku went to his best friend's house for the week and his mother went on a ministry trip to Namaqualand with another prayer group from Cape Town. This Friday they will move into family in community at 16 Cypress Road, with us.
The world generally believes that it takes a strong prayer life to be fruitful; but in John we learn that it's Jesus who enables us to bear fruit. Over the years our home has been open to many. This is the joy of relationship, isn't it, with God and each other? Thank you so much for continuing to support us through your prayers and financial giving. We mean it when we say we couldn't be here without you. We are very grateful for your obedience, responding as God leads you to give to this ministry. Please don't forget to let us know how we can pray for you, too.
Master's Academy continues to thrive. The kids are busy preparing for a performance the end of November which we hope to videotape for those who won't be able to see it in person. Alex Moore, from Master's Academy in Marietta hopes to visit in June/July to film a documentary about our school. Please pray for him and his mom, Lorraine, that God will provide every need. Susan had the blessing of taking ICDL classes thanks to Newlands Training Center. Her heart is full of hope to help Africans become computer literate as well as looking for opportunities for employment. Evan and Caitlin are coming to the end of their first year at university and would greatly appreciate your prayers for wisdom for their exams as well as provision for tuition. Charmaine is launching Fine Dining in the Bakery November 1 and we covet your prayers for her. Her sister, Tash, gets married on November 9 to Dal, from London. Donovan has made an offer on an attached home in Lakeside. Patricia is burning the candle at both ends in her new job. Debbie, Cait and Evan are attending university and working every moment they can. Green Market is doing well, more are being added to their number and all are praying for a successful summer with an abundance of tourist shopping. Augustin in Rwanda has launched his own business and we are so proud of him! Herbert Buyondo in Kampala, Uganda writes they are celebrating the church's one year anniversary at the end of October. Monika and Stani are meeting with lots of folk pursuing funding for the Family Center in Kigali. Israel and Bibiche are preparing for the birth of their fourth child. And Gabriel and Edith are praying for a larger home as they've invited Abraham and Sarah into family in community at Westlake. Thanks again for your love and prayers, family.
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