Sons & Daughters or Slaves?
This month at Green Market Square we've been discussing what it means to be sons and daughters in God's Kingdom versus slaves/servants.
Ned did a brilliant teaching a few years ago on this. In fact, many other pastors have used it around the world. We sussed it out like this...
Sons pour into the family business for they know the heart of their father. Whereas servants are merely working for the short term pay check. They do not think in terms of inheritance. When times get tough the servant will move on to the next job while the sons will not only uphold the foundations, cover their father's nakedness and pour their very lives into the business until it thrives again and beyond.
I finally see this in the example in Matthew 25 of the ten virgins and the parable of the talents. After our discussion last week everyone had a testimony of something God had been up to in their lives.
Nathalia told us of an empty feeling she had on Wednesday, all day. By the time she reached the market and spoke to Israel about it she had a huge sense she was to pray. She did but the emptiness didn't go. So Israel encouraged her to keep praying and she did, all day. When she arrived home she found that the stove had been left on all day! There could have been a terrible fire from her house and beyond in the community. Many homes and lives could have been lost had she not prayed. God intervened in the coolest of ways! The electricity ran out so the stove turned off! Nathalia was overjoyed that all had been spared and neighbors kept asking what's this glow you have about you? Needless to say, she was a bit apprehensive to tell her story but she did and many more joined her in prayers of thanksgiving and amazement.
We've been praying with Babalwa for her mother to be healed of diabetes. She now only has to go back to the doctor every six months! Yay! Huge progress from the daily out of balance and great sickness she was experiencing! Bibiche also had a wonderful story about her kids instituting family prayer and bible study each night. She spoke of their great faith in prayer for their family home with a pool. How the children themselves are doing the reading, praying and sharing with one another. I was overjoyed to hear of their rising up in faith, particularly because my physical strength has not allowed me to get with them weekly like I used to. The list goes on... I am so grateful for the grace, peace and prayers from everyone this past year. It's been a hard one but our God has been with us every step of the way. And we rejoice!
This morning I read Isaiah 9:6, thinking of all the testimones last week I wonder if they saw what I saw- God's sons and daughters, like Solomon realizing who they are in the Kingdom! Read 1 Kings 5:5 and see the revelation Solomon had and what God did with that! Wow! Can we see how far God has brought us?
Remember, God said to Abram, "Leave this place, your people and your country and go to the place I will show you. And I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great. And so you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." Wow! We are descendants of Abraham! Do you think God's promises are still yes and Amen? I sure do!
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