Saturday, December 09, 2006

Where are the Promised Lands?

It's been a while since I posted anything. I have been wondering whether what I've been writing here is really of interest to anyone. Maybe writing this blog has become more of therapy rather than good writing? It's hard to test the waters, receiving so few comments has me leaning towards letting go of this blog. Yet, where would the promised lands be? They are where they always have been, in the risking of relationships, trust, faith, hope and love.

In the latter part of the 80s and leading into the 90s I began to dare to ask God about relationships. I stand in awe of what He has shown me in response and hope I can do justice to the revelations received via his Holy Spirit.

Setting out for Cape Town, South Africa we thought we would just continue the status quo; serving the poor through feeding schemes, prayer/ministry and evangelistic outreaches with food and music. Hold Everything, God seemed to be saying. He had some rebuilding to do in all of us before we would ever be ready for the work He had brought us here to do. Henri Nouwen teaches that if we are called to be Jesus' disciples there are three very important disciplines required: solitude, community and ministry. The teaching opened our eyes to the bigger picture set before us! Entering into communion with God in solitude will birth community between us and others as he brings them across our path and this then leads into ministry, whereby we go into all the world proclaiming the good news, baptizing and making disciples. This isn't a formula or a religious litany. It requires relationship with our God, utter dependence on Him alone in order to build communion with Him and others. We have not been able to put specific words on what we are doing really. It isn't just a prayer meeting, outreach or just starting a church- it's more like a radical transformation that must begin in us before He can move through us to others.

Cape Town television has an advert that visualizes for us. The setting is a city marathon where runners have flooded the streets. Two runners in salmon costumes set out to run against the tide, reaching the stations where cups of cold water are offered their hands go out, but no one is looking their way or expecting to hand cups off to people going the wrong way! Yes, we feel alone in our pursuit of God in this journey, but we run towards the goal that leads us heavenward. Not in arrogance, but in humility and lowliness as it is not the popular direction of the crowd. However, Solomon knew he was the son God had promised David would build the temple. Nouwen believed, as do we, that each of us are totally beloved by God. And when we discover this belovedness by God we begin to learn how deeply our brothers and sisters are also beloved and it is then that we can make them more aware of it.

No paycheck comes to us weekly or monthly. A total dependence on God alone for everything has brought us to a place of faith, hope and love for those who also haven't otherwise a chance without prayer. The unloved, rejected, forgotten and broken ones are suffering from a disease the world knows of no cure... but the King of Kings has a cure... Love. This then is our Promised Land, the place where we know we are God's favorite; where we hear God's voice as we cross over/rise up from the Jordan: "This is my beloved and upon him/her my favor rests!" There isn't anything we can't do in Christ! Glimpse this belovedness, it will capture you and lead you to lead others into their Promised Land: their destiny, the place prepared for them when God formed and made them in their mothers' wombs! All of us have a purpose, a destiny, a shining moment where God's glory is revealed! Shine On!