Monday, January 29, 2007


Stepping into our rightful places will open the doors to our promised land. Reclaiming our inheritance will not be easy... it has everything to do with
scriptures like 2 Chronicles 7:14. Nehemiah must have known about that. He certaily reminded God of His promises. We have the same opportunity today.

Intercession- is it 24/7 prayer that's one sided? I don't think so. Isn't it more about lifestyle and conversation with God where we listen when He speaks? Prayer is absolutely necessary, all I am asking is that we pray with listening hearts; not only seeking God's hand but His heart, okay?

When our hearts full of compassion with even the slightest glimpse of realizing how we've offended our Beloved and we cry out in repentance, He hears!

Married couples, it takes two to argue but only one to turn from it in submission, forgiveness with a heart willing to serve the other that all gets well. We've been a little bit one-sided with our God. Bobby Conner said, some of us are all too familiar with a God we don't even know.

We've got our intercessory list we are crying out for the nations, our city, community, family, etc. But.. have we considered where our hearts are? Ar we listeners as well as pray-ers? Isaiah said, 'Oh Lord, I'm the only one left.' Really? As if God needed us to tell Him what's up!

We know who God is and because we believe in him we are in our rightful places, right? I wonder. Of course He is for us- we are choosing to do what He wants or is it what we think He wants?

Promised Lands are the promises of God's Kingdom- relationship with Him! What's the greatest commandment? Matthew 22:37-39:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all you soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Read over Deuteronomy 6, Moses tells us: These commandments I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Sounds pretty much like lifestyle to me. As I read to the end of the chapter I get a sense that God meant this to be our life style- the way we live the life He's given us, not a duty or performance or set of rules to be measured by. And when we are living it out this way we most likely will find there are less of those who go astray.

Promised Lands, Our Rightful Places?

When we take our rightful places we step into our promised lands. I was looking for mine for quite a long time. I didn't know for sure what I wanted to do after high school. I thought I wanted to be a teacher, Dad said no, it wouldn't pay enough. Then I thought how about a psychologist? Mom said, no, you'd get too involved with the patients' lives. Okay, how about a nurse? Mom said no again, you'd be crushed whenver a patient died. I couldn't win for losing, know what I mean? I already knew how to type fast so I entered secreterial school to support myself. My plan was to go to work to pay for my tuition and attend university at night. So off I went to Boston thinking I would study drama and become an actor. Well, I needed tuition money first so I had to get a job. It all seemed so grown up to me at the time! Going to employment agencies with my resume, all dressed up, made me feel important.

I started off at Harvard School of Public Health working as the gopher in the Executive MBA programs. It didn't take long to realize this job was going to keep me right there, working my fingers to the bone, running around fetching for everyone but never getting ahead myself! I actually worked all day and then helped with functions at night. How would I ever get where I was supposed to go? Moving on to the employment agencies I thought I'd secure a better position. And so it went for the longest time. Every once in a while I'd work for a company that offered paid tuition. I took business courses, computer courses and did expand my knowledge; but I never felt like I was settling into a career. I once thought I wanted a degree in Public Administration. Again working as an AA for a university MBA program dean I found working days was only further putting off a degree for me. So I went off to work for venture capitalists. That was a very interesting job, but still not getting me where I wanted to go. I had a couple more jobs that were fun and interesting, inspiring even, but it wasn't until my husband was transferred to Atlanta that I finally found what I'd been searching for all my life. We were now parents of two children and my husband's career was taking off wonderfully. We didn't need me to work, so I stayed home with the children. Eventually home schooling them and getting to know the folks with whom we attended church. The church started a part-time outreach to the poor on Saturdays. Our family joined. We were available during the day to purchase the food to give away on the weekend so we got even more involved, even inviting our home school community where the students helped us bag all the food and praying for the folks who would receive it on Saturday. My husband and I were building relationships with the folks we were visiting along with the ones with which we served. A temporary, part-time outreach quickly began to demand full-time hours. My husband and I sensed God calling us to full-time mission work where the part-time outreach became a full-time discipleship school, ministry and church. That's when I knew I'd finally found what I'd been looking for all those years. And you know, it felt right, too! All those other jobs always felt temporary. That day of small beginnings led us to the poor in Africa where our base is Cape Town, South Africa. And really what looked like a part-time outreach has become a lifestyle ministry. We meet people from all over Africa and the world but we aren't so interested in getting them to come to our church per se. Only that they would get to know God as a personal, loving, heavenly Father who will lead them to find their rightful places.

There are promised lands in relationships. We need hearts and minds that are willingly open to see the promised land part, looking beyond first appearances and/or first impressions. And that works both ways, doesn't it? Even in marital relationships, we as spouses are allowed to look further down the road than the surface stuff we can see in the natural. And shouldn't we be doing that with all our relationships? Jesus said the greatest commandment was to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and that the second one was like it, love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two!" Hmmm.
Can we get to the promised land without it? I don't think so! :)

But how wonderful is this journey to our promised land! We can choose to value the manna from heaven as the wonderfully, miraculous gift from heaven or we can complain and moan because the grass looks greener somewhere else!

As I look out the window of the beautiful home the Lord has provided I note how surrounded we are by His Garden and I wonder, 'How can I show you this garden?' 'How can I get you to see what has always been surrounding you supernaturally?' Can we see the rightful places God has prepared for us? Will we step into them or love our lives too much to risk believing? He's there! He's there!

Deuteronomy 6:5 Moses is telling us the commandments and how they should be upon our hearts. He says, 'Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up... Finish the chapter, it gave me a sense that God meant this to be a lifestyle, this relationship we have with Him, the way we live the life He's given us. It's not a duty, performance or set of rules with which life is measured. And when we follow Him as He lived it out for us in His Son Jesus, we will find we are in our rightful places. It's when we are not that we go astray. And if you are reading this and realize you have gone astray, then turn back! Quickly! You can do it! His grace is there! Think of the prodigal father who everyday looked up the road expecting his son's return! Imagine the day he saw him? God is looking up that road expectantly right now, are you in His sights?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Nations Called?

A few years ago Blood N Fire did a live recording. We put Jill Austin at the beginning saying, "So we say, Come Holy Spirit!" A few years after that we were in Cape Town, South Africa prayer walking around the city. Holy Spirit uttered one amazing word: "Tabernacle" I made a mental note to research the scriptures seeking God's intention for us. The tabernacle was the tent of meeting, the place where God met with His people, the Israelites, in the desert when he brought them up out of Egypt. He commanded them to celebrate a feast for seven days whereby they went and built booths where they would dwell, contemplating, remembering from where God had delivered them. So what does that have to do with us 2,000 years later? God called us up out of our homeland to a place He would lead us. Little did we know it would look more like the valley of Achor than the promised land! Wonder if the Israelites felt similarly? Yikes!

God had called us away from our safe, secure, comfort zones to be courageous, not fearful, not shying away but to confront and like Jehoshaphat face our enemies and watch the Lord deliver us!

But there was more in His message. Not too long after I met Pieter Bos, author of the book: The Nations Called. Pieter had come from Netherlands to South Africa to speak about the corporate identity of South Africa.

All of this week the words to a Brian Doerksen song have not only been in my head, my heart but also on my lips.

You Shine

You shine brighter than the brightest star
Your love, purer than the purest heart
You shine, filling us with courage and strength, to follow You

Why should I fear man when You made the heavens
Why should I be afraid when You put the stars in place
Why should I loose heart when I know how great you are
Why should I give up when Your plans are full of love

In this world we will have trouble
But You have overcome the world

You shine brighter than the brightest star
Your love, purer than the purest heart
You shine, filling us with courage and strength, to follow You

I remembered Pieter's teaching, looked up what he had to say about Africa and waited for Holy Spirit to lead me on what to speak to a gathering of refugees from the nations of Africa, vendors in the marketplace in the center of Cape Town. I hadn't read Lee Grady's article from Charisma online till I came home later this evening. God's hand is upon Africa!

Why did they make the decision to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem? South Africa? Angola? Congo? Rwanda? Zambia? Mozambique, Africa?

Because the nations are called by God to shine! To reflect the glory of God!
Here are some pertinent points that stood out to me from the book:

Tribes, peoples, cities and states, in general- nations; are corporate persons (community/body?) created by God in His image! The corporate identity of a corporate person (nation or continent) is the expression of God's character in that person because in it contains her destiny in God's purposes and her redemptive gift to her fellow nations!

Africa's corporate identity: Spiritual Authority! Hard to figure that one, eh!

Remember Joseph and his brothers in Genesis 50:19? "You meant it to harm me but God meant it for good to accomplish His purposes..." Hello! Are we listening? Joseph's brothers come seeking help, they fear he will repay eye for an eye. But what happens? Joseph realizes that God meant it all for good! Even for such a time as this! Joseph tells them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God?" Do you think this could have gone through Nelson Mandela's mind? How about other world leaders exemplifying God's character? Pieter names a few: Mandela, Emeka Nwankpa, Kwabena & Mrs. Dark, Andre Quiala from Angola; Judy Mbugwa from Kenya. These folks are/were visionary leaders like Nehemiah and who are those leaders today? How about you?

Do people see God's character in you? Really? How about your kids, do they see God in you? Is He shining through your actions, thoughts, words and deeds? How about the way you speak and treat your spouse? Are you interested in how you can serve your family and those around you or how they are to serve you?

In order for God to redeem what has previously been denied we need to take heed to 2 Chronicles 7:14. We need to follow the example of Solomon- he knew who he was and what God had promised he would do. How about you? You know a friend of mine asked me once, "When's it all going to start?" I had no idea! But you know what answer came out of my mouth? "When people take their rightful places." Two or three years on I think I might be beginning to understand this.

2 Chronicles 7:14 is a great prayer but we need to back it up with some action of our own! We need to humble ourselves before our spouses and children/family and turn from our wickedness; seek forgiveness, cry out for God to heal our land and we need to serve our brothers and sisters. Okay, we aren't perfect spouses all the time! Do you treat your spouse like you would treat Jesus all the time? Even in your thoughts? I know I am guilty, here. Let's be honest. And aren't there times when we lash out, say the wrong thing or make a rash decision, even sometimes a mistake? Aren't these opportunities to turn back to God? Isn't that what Jesus modelled for us? "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

Here in Africa we are afraid of our cultural differences. We don't understand each other's languages and cultures well enough and so our destinies and redemptive gifts are not fully recognized and because of this there really isn't freedom to express them! God said to Joshua, 'Do not fear but be strong and very courageous. And I will be with you!" Why don't we do it? Was it only for Joshua? Are we only meant to read aboutnit, talk about it but never do it? Ohhh, how far we really have fallen! We should take up courage to face our cultural differences, embrace one another as siblings not rivals, not competitors! Discerning our different corporate identities will help us see our rightful places and how we are called to come together as a corporate body!

Pieter says, "We, the church, must speak the corporate identity into the nations, the creative and liberating truth of God so that the nations may receive the inner healing necessary."

Africa has been denied expression of her identity and given no opportunity to express her gifting to the world! Europe looks down their noses, colonization and slavery crushed Africa to its core. And the Western church has failed to understand witchcraft which has blocked the discernment of spiritual authority.

Spiritual Authority has been corrupted; occultic and tyrannical leaders are leading in some African nations but there also have been those who dedicated their nations officially to God; showing the authority that reflects God's character- presidents and leaders who recognize God's authority over them.

Redemption of Africa's Corporate Identity: Let us pray that Africa will send prophets to the nations.

That is exactly what God has revealed and prophesied starting in the heart of Africa, in a tiny country where nearly 1 million people were murdered. Isn't it time we allow transformation to take place in our lives, homes, communities, cities, states, tribes, nations and continents? It starts with you, Solomon! Or as William Wallace says to his young friend Hamisch: "It's up to us!"

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Driving into Cape Town to pray and tour District Six with a new group I was pondering the above word; asking God, 'what does that mean to Blood N Fire, RSA?'

Today also marks the first day back to school of the new year. Cape Town's summer vacation happens in December/January. This is when the temperature really begins to heat up and all the businesses close down for Christmas and New Year's Day. Around the 15th everyone goes back to work full throttle.

I was in Cape Town on Second New Year for the Coon Carnival. Prophetically I saw beyond the bright, creative uniforms of the bands and choirs that march in the parade through the city. I saw a team of worshippers like those who went out before the Lord's army into battle. I saw a people formerly displaced, go from the bottom of the pecking order to the front of the line to worship God, delight themselves in His Presence and Glory and celebrate life! They were dancing upon injustice, prophetically declaring our God will come! They were crossing over the Jordan into the Promised Land! I saw them prophetically celebrating a time to come like Dr. Martin Luther King dreamed of in his I Have A Dream speech! And now my secret will be out, I began to believe! God was doing a redux even in the Second New Year! Despite the Roman calendar, despite all the wrong doing, corruption, racism, etc. God was doing a new thing in Cape Town! He would rebuild His Kingdom and here were those in whom He was beginning! And I prayed for families all across the Cape and South Africa to make room in their hearts and lives for the new thing God was doing in their lives. Wow!

So on my way into town today I had a renewed sense of urgency for prayer for Cape Town. God wanted to be in communities, families, fellowships, schools, businesses, restaurants, bands, boats, planes, etc. He really meant for Cape Town to be a refreshment station for the world! School children needed to realize their rightful places in His Kingdom today. They needed prayer to overcome the jitters of the first day at school, they needed to meet good friends that they would begin to build relationships for the rest of their lives with, their families, moms and dads needed prayer to be the parents they were created to be. Parents needed prayer for their marriages, fathers needed prayer as leaders of households. Prayer for provision was so very necessary! Prayer for our leaders in families, churches, city and country government also became very urgently needed! We need prayer for unity! Unity not only among the races, unity in our vision, in our quest to take our rightful positions and have the courage to step into our rightful places and take back the promised land!

And then, I got it! Blood N Fire, you need to also cross over the Jordan, leave behind the old, step into the new! Be strong and very courageous! Do not fear, God has not left His throne! He IS in the midst of a redux!!! Elijah said to Elisha when he asked to receive the double portion of his spirit: "If you see me then it will be so." Where is the Lord God of Elijah now, Blood N Fire?

God said to Joshua, "Moses is dead, therefore lead the people into the promised land." For Blood N Fire I believe that means, the focus has moved from David to the sons-- "who knows that you have not been created for such a time as this?" I am pretty sure of it! It's time! Arise and go forth into the nations! Arise! Go Forth! Like Nehemiah, we have spent the last few years quietly repenting, fasting and praying; seeking the heart of God for permission to rebuild and favor with the king.

Revelation 12:10: "Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers,
who accuses them before our God day and night has been hurled down.
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
Therefore rejoice....

Thursday, January 11, 2007

But God Intended It For Good To Accomplish What is Being Done

Genesis 50:20 Joseph is speaking to his brothers who'd sold him into slavery:

"You intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish
what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

Reading this morning brought back how our enemy continues to hurl obstacles in our paths, in an attempt to prevent us from reaching the promised land. We see the bigger picture on this side of Joseph's story today. His brothers had not seen this in the day they sold him into slavery. Joseph also saw and had the opportunity to rise to the occasion and do the right thing. How much more today aren't we continually met at the same juncture? Bad mouth those brothers and turn them out or have compassion, forgive and be a part of the greater good?

I noted Genesis 50 while reading an article concerned with abortion. The story told of crosses intended as witnesses representing the number of abortions in America each day. Vandals took the crosses out and/or graffiti painted "pro-choice" appeared on some that remained. The author told of how members of the church went and restored the crosses, how people stopped to talk that were planning abortions but changed their minds as a result of the crosses, not to mention those who didn't stop there but talked to someone somewhere else. He wrote of seeing children playing in playgrounds wondering if one or more might have been born rather than the alternative because of such witnesses. It wasn't an arrogant thing, just a sharing of putting his faith in action and the fruit that was reaped as a result.

It had me thinking as we walk out life across the Atlantic, so far away from our family, our loved ones and yet, we have the opportunity to bridge the gap by including these in the larger picture of family. You can call me naiive, but I also began to dream of fruit that will rise up one day here. I wonder if many years from now, some one like Joseph might rise up as the country's leader, remembering how God meant to accomplish some amazing good in their lives. I think about Natasha's situation and her confession, "I'm doing this for Tacu, not for myself. And I'm following the dream God has given me to walk out." We, too, are following that dream and pray that we can continue to encourage men and women like Natasha to be all they were created to be, to step into the destinies God has prepared for them with confidence in a strong relationship of faith in the King of Kings who is ever present in our time of need, but also in the best of times, longing to love us and know us and allow us to know Him!

I'm writing this on Friday... on Monday Caitlin's first tuition payment is due and so is our house payment. The bank account today does not have sufficient funds for what is expected to be paid in full on Monday. But we are praying, hoping, believing in a God who is always faithful. We have done all we know to do to get to Monday and so when you have done all Stand! And like Jehoshaphat was told, we also face the battle with our eyes and faith in the Lord, praying that He will come! As Caitlin's parents she has seen us speak faith into the lives of people like Natasha and countless others in Africa as well as the other side of the world. She has witnessed God's amazing miracles, coming even sometimes at the last moment. She knows of the countless times we've stayed up all night in prayer for someone in need till the answer has come. Ann called at 1 a.m. Thursday crying and in need of prayer from terrible head pains. Next day the dr. said she suffered a ministroke. What more might it have been without prayer? Who will care for them since they have no family?

Caitlin has a dream, too. She aims to be the next Louis Voutton, a top fashion designer who will employ women from all over Africa and the world some day! And she will stand with us, expecting, praying and believing; hoping in an Almighty God who has led her thus far and whom she knows will not forsake her. Please pray with us?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Just When I Thought Everything Was Going to be Okay

This was Natasha's observation as we talked yesterday. She'd finally figured out she needed to keep daily, weekly and monthly books telling what she purchased and sold because this would help her to know what her monthly spending looked like compared to her profits. She would know the bottom line. She was thanking Laura and I for helping her realize the importance. Then she began to tell us that the folks who had offered her a place to stay and to help take care of Tacu were now changing all that. They offered for her to rent a granny flat on their property for 650 rand per month and assured her they didn't mind taking care of Tacu after school. That was the original agreement but now they were telling her they needed 1,000 rand per month and she would have to find aftercare for Tacu- two additional expenses added onto all the restaurant expense! She was asking why does it always happen when you think you're going to be okay? Why, indeed?

Our enemy looks for every opportunity to keep us from the Promised Land! "I think I'm doing everything I can, walking in righteousness, being at home at night with Tacu, etc." And that's just the point, too often when things like this happen we wonder, what did we do wrong? How come it can't work out? She's not asking for much here, she's willing to work hard and at the end of the day- it's all for Tacu, not even for herself! She thought about the scariest places she's had to live, the obstacles she's had to overcome and realized, 'I've been in tougher situations before and had to live in scary neighborhoods; if I have to I will do it again.' Why, though? This morning it hit me right between the ears! The enemy is pulling out all the stops to keep her from the Promised Land! The Israelites didn't make it for their grumbling and complaining, now here she was on the verge and this stuff was happening. We've stretched out our hand like Moses, what next O Lord? As we told her yesterday and as Angus told us in Faith Like Potatoes... the conditions are right for a miracle! The children of Israel were told to cross over their Jordan and possess the land! They had to have faith and believe! This is ours and Natasha's invitation today! Have Faith, Believe and as Peter said, stand firm!
1 Peter 5:6-11.

We know some other folks like Natasha, their names are Ian and Lorraine. They are older folks yet with great faith have left all behind to walk in their destiny! Presently they are in Wales taking a stand to possess their Promised Land. Ricky and Minty in Gugulethu also are doing their best to stand firm and watch the Lord deliver them! None of us are sitting on our butts hoping for some magic to fall from the sky... simply doing all He has told us to do, and standing in faith, believing that He who is faithful will equip us with all we need to accomplish the purpose He has called us to do! Please keep us all in your prayers?

Take Up Your Positions

2 Chronicles 20:2

Some men came and told Jehosophat, "A vast army is coming against you from Edom, from the other side of the sea. It is already in Hazazon Tamar. Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah. The people came together to seek help from the Lord; indeed, they came from every town in Judah to seek him. Then Jehoshaphat stood up in the assembly at the temple of the Lord in the front of the new courtyard and said:
"O Lord, God of our fathers, are you not the God of our fathers, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you. O our God, did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend? They have lived in it and have built in it a sanctuary for your Name, saying, 'If calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgment or plague of famine we will stand in your presence before this temple that bears your Name and will cry out to you in our distress, and you will hear us and save us.'
But now here are men from Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir, whose territory you would not allow Israel to invade when they came from Egypt; so they turned away from them and did not destroy them. See how they are repaying us by coming to drive us out of the possession you gave us as an inheritance. O our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you."

Then the Spirit of the Lord came... and said: "Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours but God's...You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you."

Jehoshaphat bowed with his face to the ground, and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down in worship before the Lord.... Early in the morning they left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, "Listen to me! Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful...Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: "Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever."

As they began to sing and praise the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah and they were defeated

This was the scripture Natasha reminded me of as she declared she was not going to be defeated or lose her restaurant. We were discussing the trials of not being able to meet every bill that need to be paid. We also are experiencing something similar as sufficient funds for our house payment is not in our account and the payment is due Monday. She said, "I am not in this for the money! I started this for Tacu, to provide for him for school, for his future. I don't need to amass wealth, what will I do with that? My brother wants to move Tacu and me to Canada to be with him. I wouldn't have to work, he has plenty of money. But what will I do there? What will I teach Tacu there? It isn't where I belong, I belong here in Africa! Trials are not so that I will give up and run. Impossibilities are the conditions for a miracle! Trials help me put my faith and hope in God and help me teach Tacu the same. He asked me why the other children around us received Christmas gifts and he did not. He knows I do not have the money for such things. We sat down and prayed, Christmas day isn't the only day that God can send presents. Everyday he sends us gifts! Tacu and I prayed that Jesus would send him something for Christmas. We told no one, but I said to him, 'you watch and believe, God will answer our prayer.' When Laura took me shopping for supplies for the restaurant, which was also in answer to prayer, she asked if we could get a few things for Tacu. I didn't mention that we prayed and even tried to say no. But she would have nothing of it. We bought him a few things and when I went home that night and showed him the first thing I said was, 'come and see the answer to prayer from God.' When he saw he was so excited, so happy and thrilled. He said to his friend, 'look here at what Jesus sent me!' The friend said, 'no, it was your mommy.' Tacu said, 'no, my mommy hasn't got money for gifts. I prayed and God answered from heaven!' This is how I know, Susan, God will answer our prayers as we cry out for him. Jehoshaphat told God, 'but I'm afraid.' God said, 'Take up your positions, stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you.' God commanded Jehoshaphat to face his battles, his trials for when he faced them he could see that God was there before him to deliver him! I am believing he will do this for me, too! For I know I am walking in righteousness before the Lord in so doing."

Laura and I had gone to pray or Natasha, to encourage her! I had just told Laura what potential I could see all over the restaurant! It's just a small place, but it's so clean and Natasha is very faithful! The glory of Go is all over the place! It reminded me of that first day when we started Blood N Fire in the states. We were outside the building that God had said was ours, yet we had no money to buy it. The band cranked up the music, we lit some fires in old metal barrels to keep warm and when folks passed or stopped by we invited them to join our worship party- offering a cup of coffee and a donut. What a day of small beginnings that was! And now today in the Fountain View Cafe we were again witnessing a day of small beginnings. I saw fruit from our monthly prayer gatherings and from the relationships being built in the city of Cape Town and the potential for so much more! Previously I'd been thinking of going to the Cape Grace Hotel by the yacht basin to start writing my second book. I told Laura I thought the place to be was with Natasha at the Fountain View Cafe in Woodstock! Not the upmarket yacht basin! I know I need to stop in to encourage Natasha at least one day a week. She sat down with us for a few minutes and told me how much she would love for me to stop in once a week and do something like I do in Green Market for the women who come around there! She offered the restaurant as a meeting place for the BNF church on Sundays, even! And I told her about the school we want to do for the kids, inviting Tacu to come over Friday with the other kids. We plan also to invite Natasha and Tacu over on Sunday to hang out with the family. He wants to learn how to swim and Natasha wants to teach him. We want to be a part of the crowd that cheers him on in this! After our two hour long chat we prayed and thanked God that he had put us in each other's lives and for the 'church' that had happened there even though we hadn't planned it or the fact that the place was not a designated "church" building, we knew that where two or more are gathered in his name, He will be in their midst! Do I still need to go on Sunday? :) What you may not know about Natasha the restrauteur.... six years ago she was a refugee from Zimbabwe! "Who is this coming out of the desert?"

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Risks, Costs & Rewards of Relationships

In any relationship there are risks, costs and rewards. As we follow God and relationships He is leading us into we find ourselves having to take lots of risks. John Wimber taught us how to spell risk through f-a-i-t-h. Bonhoffer taught us that discipleship has costs and Jesus imparted the importance of producing fruit that lasts.

Blood N Fire, RSA's mission is rebuilding family in community in the cities of the nations of Africa. How? Modeling, discipleship, imparting, training and basically walking out relationship with those God has called us to, as Jesus did the twelve he gathered around him.

Oprah Winfrey has been paralleling my life since 1987 when she came to Atlanta to an all white county where blacks did not live or work. She was just a reporter then, funny enough that risk taking act of faith to walk alongside other blacks protesting apartheid in America launched Oprah into her destiny! I remember reading about her plan to interview some of the people of the county and I thought she was out of her mind! Who did she think she was marching up to the doors of people who'd said they didn't want blacks in their schools, neighborhoods or working in their community? She was asking for trouble in a region that had no problem giving it to her!

While I did grow up in the South, I was not raised with the anti-black sentiment. My mother hailed from New England and never allowed racist attitudes or talk in our home. We consequently grew up believing that people were people, whether black, white, yellow, red or green! We were all equal and equally gifted. So I wasn't approaching Oprah's visit to Atlanta with an outraged, racist attitude. I was merely concerned about the emotional riot that might ensue as a result of her pushing the envelope. Not to say someone didn't need to, mind you! And what really blew me away was her act of throwing caution to the wind. She wasn't afraid to stand up against something she knew wasn't right! She would be risking her life and yet, isn't that what it takes? I wonder if she knew where that willingness to risk would lead her?

I knew I was to mark Oprah's decision. From time to time I check in on Oprah. Cape Town used to get her show on SABC, I don't know if it still runs. I became so frustrated watching it that I simply couldn't anymore! You see, I love what Oprah does! I am jealous that she's got the funds to do it and I don't- well not in the natural sense anyway!

I wish Oprah would come over here and jump in my husband's Land Rover and drive into Africa with us instead of flying in and out. Instead of drive by shootings Oprah's doing the drive by ministry of Oprah and getting away with it! But who can judge her? No one! She has the goods and she's giving them away. She exemplifies extravagant giving outrageously! I hope the American people are learning from her model rather than taking advantage of what they can acquire in gifts. What a model for the world's poor? God is truly turning around what the enemy meant for evil in her life and using it for good! And I seriously want to Ask Oprah- 'Hey, why don't you come visit some of us over here working hard to help the poor and needy, orphaned, rejected and confused. I'm glad you are working with God's Acre, that's a good start. Now start inviting teams of folks to come with you to meet and get to know kids and moms and dads and get involved in their lives as mentors, spiritual parents, etc. I know there's a place where folks can donate. And I'll bet they do! But Oprah, what about us folks who've given our lives to helping the poor? Are you getting to know us? Are you interested in our stories and hardships and how they might be able to transform this world we live in today? Is it of interest to you how these acts of compassion not only change those in need but the ones who are doing the giving? Or are you only interested in stories that sell, crooning and playing the violin of drama to your audience?" Okay, so maybe I should have titled this Ask Oprah?

We certainly aren't putting our eggs in the Oprah basket, she doesn't even know we exist! But the God of heaven knows! Our Father invited us to make a difference in the lives of nameless, faceless folk, who no doubt could be used to change the world. The Bible says God will use the foolish to shame the wise! Some of those folks are people like Jane Jones whose family gave their lives to the poor in San Jose, Costa Rica. Jane died of liver cancer last year and when her family spread her ashes throughout the precario, the moms and kids ran behind them to catch a part of Jane's spirit. Wow! That one act speaks loudly, eh? Jane loved kids and families. She loved encouraging the women and providing a learning lab for the kids as well as making a way for people to sponsor the kids' education. The learning lab was in their home and the kids could come after school for a bite to eat, homework help, chance to learn how to use a computer and/or read books from their library. Blood N Fire, RSA has a dual dream, taking Jane's idea to support and aid the kids with their education and to take that a step further into the Arts, providing opportunity for them to experience dance, drama, music, art, and creative writing. We call it Master's Academy of Fine Arts- Cape Town. MAFA-CapeTown is only the first school, we are dreaming of schools in Rwanda, Kenya, Congo and even other communities around South Africa, specifically the Western Cape but not limited to that area alone. Through this one arm we can reach a lot of kids, connecting with their families also. However, Oprah has unlimited funds. We don't have a t.v. show that brings in the millions to help finance our ministry. We've invested all our finances to become permanent citizens of South Africa and to purchase a home where the kids can come, along with their families and for other ministry opportunities we are offer to South Africans in rebuilding family in community.

Our hope is in the Lord and that He may have chosen some of you to partner with us to help us in this great work. We aren't here for a season only to return to the U.S. We have moved here permanently, we have put down roots not only in land but in relationships with the poor. We need funding, we need benefactors interested in the fruit that lasts... to provide new books for the library, tickets to see shows like the Lion King, Stomp, Shakespeare, salaries for musicians willing to teach who need to pay their bills. We need folks who want to reach out to a third world country that has first world potential, if only someone will believe in them!

A few hundred years ago Europeans came to this shore to establish a refreshment station. Their goal was to replenish supplies for expeditions on the Spice Route and make money doing it. They took the land away from the indigenous people, they raped and pillaged the land, made it their own whereby many fortunes were made for already wealthy families in Europe. God always meant it to be a place of spiritual refreshing, where people could rest and be restored. The people living here today put their hopes in tourism, those who are skilled and educated can make money providing township tours and countless walking history tours not to mention the wine farms and restaurants that abound. My prayer is to find those who would like to have a part in God's plan to reach out to what He has said is the last greatest place on the earth.

Would you be willing to invest funding, time, prayer and resources to help us? Yes, the poor need to eat. They need to be clothed, healed and visited in prison, too. They need people who are willing to walk out a lifetime of relationship with them so that when they are sick someone can pray for them as well as teach them how to pray. They need to know someone cares about them, believes in them and wants to invest in their future and see them succeed!

In order to make a commitment to this kind of work there needs to be trust between the investing parties and the ones on the other side doing the work. We are willing to get to know you more personally, to invite you into our lives of daily service to the poor in Africa and to share with you our God-given vision for rebuilding family in community. We are willing to meet you here in Africa in one of our homes or in yours. We pray you might be willing to invite some others who'd be genuinely interested in partnering with us, too. Please feel free to contact via email at

Ned & Susan Hill
Blood N Fire, RSA
16 Cypress Road
Newlands 7700
Cape Town, South Africa


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2007, Year of the Promised Land

God promises the valley of Achor will become a Door of Hope. Will this door of hope lead to your "Promised Land?"

Anne of Green Gables describes a "bosom" friend, the friend she's longed for and dared to believe is really a possibility. Although she hasn't found her yet, she dares to believe in her existence!

A young friend of ours named Whitney has always insisted and declared that she possesses no imagination.

Both these young women exemplify a relationship with God that cannot come from a formula or even something man alone is able to produce! In the words of the ulitmate valley girl, Cher from Clueless, "As if!" Is it possible that 'bosom' friend is the One closer than a brother? Is it possible our thoughts, hopes and dreams originate from a source higher than our own self alone?

Another friend, David VanCronkhite, often says: "That's my story and I'm sticking to it." So, there's our 'story' and we are sticking to it! We don't feign arrogance or superiority, but with great humility and awe of our Father in heaven, dare to believe this is where He is leading us in this hour. We pray for your continued support and partnership in prayer as we launch out into what we have been prepared for such a time as this! Vulnerably and transparently we share our lives with you that God will also aid you to dare to believe in the quiet voice your heart hears.

Happy 2007!

Promised Lands - The Year of Your Destiny

God led Moses out of Pharoah's palace into the desert and back again to deliver the Israelites who had been in captivity in Egypt for 400 years. God led Abraham out of his homeland to find the 'promised land' where his descendants became slaves to those who inhabited the land. To take back the promised land we must believe it is rightfully ours and not become slaves to those who inhabit it. Like Joshua & Caleb, we need to see the fruit and promise of the land rather than the giants. Fear must not grip you!

God revealed himself to Moses, offering him the opportunity to believe, obey and lead the Israelites out of captivity. Aaron his brother came along at just the right time to affirm/confirm what God had been saying to Moses. Why is this important? Well, it's nice to have signs in the natural to confirm what you think you are hearing in the supernatural! Moses listened and obeyed! Yet, the stiff necked Israelites who shen fleeing from Pharoah's army saw the Red Sea parted so they could cross over onto dry land; to whom God caused manna to rain from heaven for food, and water gushed forth from a rock to quench their thirst; still doubted, put their faith in idols and even had the audacity to complain and threaten to go back to Egypt! How could they possibly be the ones to enter the Promised Land? What promise lay ahead to be inherited from those who were filled with unbelief, complaints and full of fear? Furthermore, how would God reach them, teach them, let alone transform them?

Still in His awesome love for them he extended the opportunity. Very few could leave behind the grave clothes and slave mentality to walk into the promised land of freedom! Joshua and Caleb were the ones chosen to lead the children of the Israelites into the promised land since they had faith to believe they could overcome the giants in the land. Unwilling to separate from their fears, complaints, bitterness and sorrows the Israelites would live out their days in the desert, denied access to the promise God had made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Even Moses was denied. But Joshua, Caleb and the children of the Israelites were allowed/invited to step into the destiny of the promised land.

How then should we live and walk by faith when we have this knowledge today? God, our Father's ways are not are ways! We cannot reason or strategize or come up with a formula that will produce a fail-safe way to heaven! His ways are simply far greater thought, responsibility, wisdom and authority than that of which we are capable. Some of God's children are insulted by this because wisdom and authority have become their high places of achievement in which their identities lie. Therein is the fine line of humanity. Can we ever hope to really be like God? The original 'first couple' treacherously laid their hopes in such aspirations and it cost them the awesome place God had given them in His Garden.

Yet God has made the Way out for us through His son, Jesus, that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.

Sounds a bit cliche doesn't it? Sure, corny even to some because man has watered down the Word of God, reducing it to what some in the world believe is only a fairy tale. However, I have not known of any real power in fairy tales! I DO know of the power of the Kingdom of God that raises from the dead, forgives, restores, and heal. The power of God flows through those who have relationship with God. This is our testimony, not of what we did, but what God did for us, through us and to us! Revelation teaches: "They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony." Yet, the spirit of religion, what I call 'religiosity' or the extreme adherence to rituals and disciplines versus a personal relationship with Christ waters down our testimonies. Jesus died so that we may be reconciled, reconnected, spiritually adopted- not for the mere title but the right to 24/7 bonafide relationship just like Jesus walked out for us on the earth! He prayed we would be one with Him and the Father. He went so the Counsellor could come, so that we would have that spiritual connection we need!

Streams from the Fountain

Asking God about our recent purchase of a home in which we have invested everything, I said, "Are we crazy?" God's answer: "This house is a sanctuary, an oasis for those who come whether for a cup of cold water, coffee, a meal, a visit or a week or more stay." And the words to Kevin Prosch's Streams from the Fountain:

"Let him cleanse and purify you; wash your conscience clear and fine; pry you loose from the world's ambitions and ravish you with the joy of life."

Years ago Ned and I saw an historic home in Melkbosstrand, South Africa. It was located right on the ocean and was literally crumbling. Graffitti had been painted all over the outside like curses or tattoos and the inside had been stripped of everything of any value. It seemed God was showing us the condition of family, the family He meant as the Church, the Bride to be presented to His Son. But it was crumbling, wasting away and nothing could be rebuilt upon it. Ned and I looked into purchasing this place to restore it. Seems the family had a similar plan but the town was not granting them permission. Long story short we knew it wouldn't be any different for us. But the greater message to us was about family and God's desire to rebuild and restore. It would require faith like Joshua and Caleb had when they had returned with the ten others who had been sent to spy out the land of Canaan. Joshua and Caleb were the only ones who believed the Israelites could take the land. And consequently they were the only ones God invited to step into the destiny of the promised land, leading the children of the Israelites.

Deuteronomy 1: The Command to Leave Horeb
(Open your hearts and let Him lead you to the rightful places He has prepared for you. David believed. Now as sons like Solomon, Joshua, Nehemiah and Elisha- BELIEVE- those who have ears let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches) (Read prophetic words for 2007 by Jill Austin and Danny Steyne)


"Moses proclaimed (between Paran and Tophel)(After defeating the King Siphon, East of the Jordan in territory of Moab) Moses began to expound on this law saying:

"God has said to us at Horeb, you have stayed long enough at this mountain- (holding onto the old ways, not letting go of fears, bitterness, complaints and unbelief)
"Break camp and advance into the hill country; go to all the neighboring peoples in the Arabah in the mountains, foothills, Negev and along the coast, to the land of the Canaanites and to Lebanon as far as the great river Euphrates.


See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land that the Lord swore to give to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to their descendants after them.

We have no true clue the spiritual belief among those who conquered the land/cities and nations in the last hundred years, really. But God has called us to take this land for him! History reveals conquerors, discoverers, financial backers and empire builders. Who's to know? Only God alone. We've learned that History repeats itself whereas when we follow God's plan the door of Hope leads us into our promised land! (Hosea 2).

We've repented here in Africa till we've turned blue. Many ask how many more times must we repent? My own answer/question is- till we figure out what we are really repenting of! For instance, I am certain South Africa was meant to be a place of refreshing and replenishing in the natural as well as supernatural. We've repented for the blood shed, for stealing the land, for apartheid but why are we still not one? Is it because some of the other parties are still bitter and unwilling to forgive? But, have we repented of our own self desires, aspirations, agenda, and conquering acquistions for self? Have we repented for taking matters into our own hands, coming up with our own plans versus asking God for His plan because we saw the giants and not the potential?

Still before us today is the reality of 2 Chronicles 7:14. The book of Nehemiah reveals God used one man, full of compassion for God's people and the land of his forefathers who saw not only man's sin but God's promise to restore. He believed with all of his heart and basically fasted and prayed, asking God: "send me! I will go for you!"

Some of us have confessed and prayed these very words! Yet have we taken the time like Nehemiah to walk the land, to weep and mourn, fast and pray, repenting for abandoning God's plan for man's plan? When will we turn from man's way back to God's? When will we trust and obey, believing strongly and courageously that He has gone before us in this journey?

No accusations intended. Merely an invitation to look long and hard; listen to the quiet voice of Holy Spirit within.

We've spent the last six years praying, inviting the Lord to come into a city so desolate and unprepared for Him. The city's entire expectation of inheritance is targeted towards tourism. While the city invites the world, we've been inviting the Lord. Now don't think for a second that I'm being prideful. I confess, I 'thought' this was what God wanted me to do. By the power of Holy Spirit I am reminded that the Lord spoke one word to me: Tabernacle. "Abide in Him and He will abide in you." Why tabernacle? What does it mean? It's a dwelling place, the place where God met with His people, where He actually dwelt among them in the desert in the tent of meeting. He led them daily in a cloud and at night with fire; representing His presence among them. He still wishes to dwell among us. But it isn't in a church building or a once a week or monthly gathering- it's through a relational community of people willing to lay down their lives for their brother. Those who are willing to pick up their crosses and follow Jesus daily as his disciples did, then the Apostolic generation will be restored so that through them God will again restore His Kingdom, bringing the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers toward their children and the hearts of the children toward their fathers!

For the sake of the Kingdom and the generations to come to be just as God promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would you be willing? (As William Wallace asks the Scottish clans fighting the English.) "And when you are old and dying on your beds... will you know you've given all for the Kingdom? Or will you die having missed the mark and the new day God gave you to set the captives free because you couldn't take your eyes off the giants, let fear grip you instead of FAITH? We can go one doing our best or we can rest from our own labors taking refuge in Him, allowing Him to "cleanse and purify you, wash your conscience clear and fine, pry you loose from the world's ambitions, ravish you with the joy of life!

We don't see in order for us to believe, we believe in order to See, By Faith- the Invisible!
Not a penny's worth of paradise can find it's way into your life, but you can drink from the well that will never run dry, find true love, until the end of time. "

We've repented to God. Have the courage to be the people God created you to be! Do not hide the favor and grace of God upon you but take up the hand of your brother, repent to one another and cry out together for our land, for one another, for unity, to be one with Jesus and the Father; then ask permission and favor to rebuild, to take back all the enemy has stolen and rebuild upon the rock that is Christ!