God promises the valley of Achor will become a Door of Hope. Will this door of hope lead to your "Promised Land?"
Anne of Green Gables describes a "bosom" friend, the friend she's longed for and dared to believe is really a possibility. Although she hasn't found her yet, she dares to believe in her existence!
A young friend of ours named Whitney has always insisted and declared that she possesses no imagination.
Both these young women exemplify a relationship with God that cannot come from a formula or even something man alone is able to produce! In the words of the ulitmate valley girl, Cher from Clueless, "As if!" Is it possible that 'bosom' friend is the One closer than a brother? Is it possible our thoughts, hopes and dreams originate from a source higher than our own self alone?
Another friend, David VanCronkhite, often says: "That's my story and I'm sticking to it." So, there's our 'story' and we are sticking to it! We don't feign arrogance or superiority, but with great humility and awe of our Father in heaven, dare to believe this is where He is leading us in this hour. We pray for your continued support and partnership in prayer as we launch out into what we have been prepared for such a time as this! Vulnerably and transparently we share our lives with you that God will also aid you to dare to believe in the quiet voice your heart hears.
Happy 2007!
Promised Lands - The Year of Your Destiny
God led Moses out of Pharoah's palace into the desert and back again to deliver the Israelites who had been in captivity in Egypt for 400 years. God led Abraham out of his homeland to find the 'promised land' where his descendants became slaves to those who inhabited the land. To take back the promised land we must believe it is rightfully ours and not become slaves to those who inhabit it. Like Joshua & Caleb, we need to see the fruit and promise of the land rather than the giants. Fear must not grip you!
God revealed himself to Moses, offering him the opportunity to believe, obey and lead the Israelites out of captivity. Aaron his brother came along at just the right time to affirm/confirm what God had been saying to Moses. Why is this important? Well, it's nice to have signs in the natural to confirm what you think you are hearing in the supernatural! Moses listened and obeyed! Yet, the stiff necked Israelites who shen fleeing from Pharoah's army saw the Red Sea parted so they could cross over onto dry land; to whom God caused manna to rain from heaven for food, and water gushed forth from a rock to quench their thirst; still doubted, put their faith in idols and even had the audacity to complain and threaten to go back to Egypt! How could they possibly be the ones to enter the Promised Land? What promise lay ahead to be inherited from those who were filled with unbelief, complaints and full of fear? Furthermore, how would God reach them, teach them, let alone transform them?
Still in His awesome love for them he extended the opportunity. Very few could leave behind the grave clothes and slave mentality to walk into the promised land of freedom! Joshua and Caleb were the ones chosen to lead the children of the Israelites into the promised land since they had faith to believe they could overcome the giants in the land. Unwilling to separate from their fears, complaints, bitterness and sorrows the Israelites would live out their days in the desert, denied access to the promise God had made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Even Moses was denied. But Joshua, Caleb and the children of the Israelites were allowed/invited to step into the destiny of the promised land.
How then should we live and walk by faith when we have this knowledge today? God, our Father's ways are not are ways! We cannot reason or strategize or come up with a formula that will produce a fail-safe way to heaven! His ways are simply far greater thought, responsibility, wisdom and authority than that of which we are capable. Some of God's children are insulted by this because wisdom and authority have become their high places of achievement in which their identities lie. Therein is the fine line of humanity. Can we ever hope to really be like God? The original 'first couple' treacherously laid their hopes in such aspirations and it cost them the awesome place God had given them in His Garden.
Yet God has made the Way out for us through His son, Jesus, that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.
Sounds a bit cliche doesn't it? Sure, corny even to some because man has watered down the Word of God, reducing it to what some in the world believe is only a fairy tale. However, I have not known of any real power in fairy tales! I DO know of the power of the Kingdom of God that raises from the dead, forgives, restores, and heal. The power of God flows through those who have relationship with God. This is our testimony, not of what we did, but what God did for us, through us and to us! Revelation teaches: "They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony." Yet, the spirit of religion, what I call 'religiosity' or the extreme adherence to rituals and disciplines versus a personal relationship with Christ waters down our testimonies. Jesus died so that we may be reconciled, reconnected, spiritually adopted- not for the mere title but the right to 24/7 bonafide relationship just like Jesus walked out for us on the earth! He prayed we would be one with Him and the Father. He went so the Counsellor could come, so that we would have that spiritual connection we need!
Streams from the FountainAsking God about our recent purchase of a home in which we have invested everything, I said, "Are we crazy?" God's answer: "This house is a sanctuary, an oasis for those who come whether for a cup of cold water, coffee, a meal, a visit or a week or more stay." And the words to Kevin Prosch's Streams from the Fountain:
"Let him cleanse and purify you; wash your conscience clear and fine; pry you loose from the world's ambitions and ravish you with the joy of life."
Years ago Ned and I saw an historic home in Melkbosstrand, South Africa. It was located right on the ocean and was literally crumbling. Graffitti had been painted all over the outside like curses or tattoos and the inside had been stripped of everything of any value. It seemed God was showing us the condition of family, the family He meant as the Church, the Bride to be presented to His Son. But it was crumbling, wasting away and nothing could be rebuilt upon it. Ned and I looked into purchasing this place to restore it. Seems the family had a similar plan but the town was not granting them permission. Long story short we knew it wouldn't be any different for us. But the greater message to us was about family and God's desire to rebuild and restore. It would require faith like Joshua and Caleb had when they had returned with the ten others who had been sent to spy out the land of Canaan. Joshua and Caleb were the only ones who believed the Israelites could take the land. And consequently they were the only ones God invited to step into the destiny of the promised land, leading the children of the Israelites.
Deuteronomy 1: The Command to Leave Horeb
(Open your hearts and let Him lead you to the rightful places He has prepared for you. David believed. Now as sons like Solomon, Joshua, Nehemiah and Elisha- BELIEVE- those who have ears let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches) (Read prophetic words for 2007 by Jill Austin and Danny Steyne)
GO, SEE"Moses proclaimed (between Paran and Tophel)(After defeating the King Siphon, East of the Jordan in territory of Moab) Moses began to expound on this law saying:
"God has said to us at Horeb, you have stayed long enough at this mountain- (holding onto the old ways, not letting go of fears, bitterness, complaints and unbelief)
"Break camp and advance into the hill country; go to all the neighboring peoples in the Arabah in the mountains, foothills, Negev and along the coast, to the land of the Canaanites and to Lebanon as far as the great river Euphrates.
SEESee, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land that the Lord swore to give to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to their descendants after them.
We have no true clue the spiritual belief among those who conquered the land/cities and nations in the last hundred years, really. But God has called us to take this land for him! History reveals conquerors, discoverers, financial backers and empire builders. Who's to know? Only God alone. We've learned that History repeats itself whereas when we follow God's plan the door of Hope leads us into our promised land! (Hosea 2).
We've repented here in Africa till we've turned blue. Many ask how many more times must we repent? My own answer/question is- till we figure out what we are really repenting of! For instance, I am certain South Africa was meant to be a place of refreshing and replenishing in the natural as well as supernatural. We've repented for the blood shed, for stealing the land, for apartheid but why are we still not one? Is it because some of the other parties are still bitter and unwilling to forgive? But, have we repented of our own self desires, aspirations, agenda, and conquering acquistions for self? Have we repented for taking matters into our own hands, coming up with our own plans versus asking God for His plan because we saw the giants and not the potential?
Still before us today is the reality of 2 Chronicles 7:14. The book of Nehemiah reveals God used one man, full of compassion for God's people and the land of his forefathers who saw not only man's sin but God's promise to restore. He believed with all of his heart and basically fasted and prayed, asking God: "send me! I will go for you!"
Some of us have confessed and prayed these very words! Yet have we taken the time like Nehemiah to walk the land, to weep and mourn, fast and pray, repenting for abandoning God's plan for man's plan? When will we turn from man's way back to God's? When will we trust and obey, believing strongly and courageously that He has gone before us in this journey?
No accusations intended. Merely an invitation to look long and hard; listen to the quiet voice of Holy Spirit within.
We've spent the last six years praying, inviting the Lord to come into a city so desolate and unprepared for Him. The city's entire expectation of inheritance is targeted towards tourism. While the city invites the world, we've been inviting the Lord. Now don't think for a second that I'm being prideful. I confess, I 'thought' this was what God wanted me to do. By the power of Holy Spirit I am reminded that the Lord spoke one word to me: Tabernacle. "Abide in Him and He will abide in you." Why tabernacle? What does it mean? It's a dwelling place, the place where God met with His people, where He actually dwelt among them in the desert in the tent of meeting. He led them daily in a cloud and at night with fire; representing His presence among them. He still wishes to dwell among us. But it isn't in a church building or a once a week or monthly gathering- it's through a relational community of people willing to lay down their lives for their brother. Those who are willing to pick up their crosses and follow Jesus daily as his disciples did, then the Apostolic generation will be restored so that through them God will again restore His Kingdom, bringing the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers toward their children and the hearts of the children toward their fathers!
For the sake of the Kingdom and the generations to come to be just as God promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would you be willing? (As William Wallace asks the Scottish clans fighting the English.) "And when you are old and dying on your beds... will you know you've given all for the Kingdom? Or will you die having missed the mark and the new day God gave you to set the captives free because you couldn't take your eyes off the giants, let fear grip you instead of FAITH? We can go one doing our best or we can rest from our own labors taking refuge in Him, allowing Him to "cleanse and purify you, wash your conscience clear and fine, pry you loose from the world's ambitions, ravish you with the joy of life!
We don't see in order for us to believe, we believe in order to See, By Faith- the Invisible!
Not a penny's worth of paradise can find it's way into your life, but you can drink from the well that will never run dry, find true love, until the end of time. "
We've repented to God. Have the courage to be the people God created you to be! Do not hide the favor and grace of God upon you but take up the hand of your brother, repent to one another and cry out together for our land, for one another, for unity, to be one with Jesus and the Father; then ask permission and favor to rebuild, to take back all the enemy has stolen and rebuild upon the rock that is Christ!