"I Have A Dream"
Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream that black children and white children would play together, be educated together and ultimately learn how to live together in society. It was no easy task for Dr. King to share that dream. And it is no easier in this world today to speak the things God puts on our hearts! Dr. King, like Moses, stretched out his hand so the captives could cross over their Red Sea into the promised land. Enormous faith and trust in God is required to continue this work today for God. Moses had enjoyed the favor of living in Pharoah's palace. Realizing who he really was compelled him to take his rightful place and do all God commanded him to do. God commanded Joshua to be very strong and courageous, indicating this is not a job for scaredy scats or temporary do wellers. It just may cost everything to go in the name of the Lord. But what is everything when the Kingdom is at hand?
When God commanded Abraham to:
"Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
He must have had a pretty tremendous relationship with God. He was 75 when he set out. He took his wife, nephew and all their possessions. Was it continuous, unbroken fellowship with God and one another that kept them going? How did they remain full of faith that God would do all He said he would. Abram left a settled world and began a pilrimage with God to a better world of God's making. Did he wrestle with doubt and unbelief? Hebrews says his faith was credited to him as righteousness. Hebrews 11:8-10: By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receeive as his inheritance, obeyed and went,even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.
What about us? Do we have this kind of relationship with our God today? What do you believe? What are you expecting? Or are you just responding and reacting to life as it happens?
Nehemiah heard about the exiles and what they were trying to do. He'd been born among the exiles and heard of Jerusalem's history. He was curious to know whether God's promises were being realized. He wept, fasted and prayed when he heard about the conditions. Not only that, but he repented on behalf of all, including his forefathers and cried out for God's promises to be fulfilled. He even offered to serve himself in anyway God would want him to do. He asked for favor with the King and with God. But he didn't arrive and announce he was the great hope! No, he got into relationship, he listened, he learned, he humbled himself and prayed. And then when he told the others about what God had said and what the king had done the others said, "Let us begin this good work." They began together, family by family, gate by gate; restoring the community; allowing God to rebuild family in community.
We all know these scriptures well. But have we applied them in our own lives? Are we willing to take the hard look, receive the rebuke, turn from our wicked ways, humble ourselves and cry out to God to heal our land? It requires all those. Not just a trite word of prayer routinely, but a heart that breaks over the condition of the city, nation and nations. A heart of compassion coupled with faith and trust in relationship with our God and King. And it will require much of our labor, extravagant giving of funds, time and service along with faith, hope and love. Who will go for Him? Who will come into agreement with us to build this new "last greatest place on the earth?" It requires 24/7 unbroken communion and obedience in serving the Lord. There are tests and trials in abundance that come to shake us from the foundation that is Christ, our Rock. Will you also believe with us? It will require that we not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Breaking out of old molds and standards into new levels of faith and hope for new family in community. By faith we believe a family center will be built for the orphans in Kigali. By faith, we believe we will travel to Durban, Zambia, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Congo with the transforming message of building family in community among the nations. Will you partner with us? Would you be willing to be like the king, making supplies and the opportunity to leave jobs behind to go rebuild families in the nations where they've been ransacked and devastated? These are daunting tasks, but no task is too great for our God! And nothing is impossible for those who are in Christ Jesus! Come go with us! Or partner with us and watch and see and be utterly amazed! God is about to do something that even if He told you, you wouldn't believe! March 17, 2007 bnfrsa@sentechsa.com