Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Our Promised Land

In a dream years ago God said: “I am sending you to the last greatest place on the earth.”

My husband and I had sensed God was launching us into our destiny. We had co-founded Blood N Fire Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia with David and Janice VanCronkhite ten years prior. We were praying and seeking God for his timing and confirmation. We told no one, just continued to ponder what we believed was the right time, watching for more signs from the Lord.

In August of that year we applied for a second mortgage, a home equity loan which we planned to use to paint and prepare our townhouse for putting on the real estate market. Then a need in Hong Kong came up, could we help in ministry there for two to three weeks? We said yes then found out a woman from South Africa would be there also. Once we arrived in Hong Kong, I, Susan, never left the camp of the ministry where we were volunteering. We had a ten minute introductory meeting with the woman from South Africa and that was it! However, Ned attended a prayer meeting elsewhere in Hong Kong, which was intended primarily for addicts who were in need of help. Ned had gone as part of the ministry team. One of the staff gave a prophetic word that when we returned home we would start a new work.

We hit the ground running as we arrived back in Atlanta. We literally drove from a 22 hour plane ride another four hours to Columbia, SC to collect our daughter where she’d stayed while we were on the Hong Kong trip. From there we visited a church near Blue Ridge, Georgia where some friends of ours attended. Twenty four hours later we were back in Atlanta at “the warehouse”, Blood N Fire’s corporate headquarters.

Jim Goll arrived that evening for a series of meetings. God used him to very accurately confirm what we had been hearing from God and that it was time to go. Needless to say, the details Jim spoke had us making airline reservations to South Africa and putting the townhouse up for sale immediately. Where would God want us to go? We didn’t know. Like Jehosophat, our eyes were on him. So we asked, and went to Johannesburg to visit our new friend and then to Cape Town.
Once in Johannesburg our friend confirmed our trip again telling us she was pretty sure we were the ones her prayer group had been praying for the last twenty five years. She told us that when we arrived in Cape Town we should go atop Table Mountain and look north. From that point God would reveal to us where he wanted us. And so it was that we came to notice a dead and barren patch of ground at the foot of the mountain where nothing seemed to dwell. That was the place God was calling us? That was our promised land? Doesn’t that sound a little bit like the children of Israel in the desert? ‘How could that be their promised land?’

Descending down the mountain we spent the rest of our trip trying to locate this dry, dead patch of land we’d seen from the top of Table Mountain. The last day of our journey we found it- District Six. We didn’t know what it was, but followed the sign to an small Moravian Church located on the property of a technical college, Cape Technikon. What did this place have to do with District Six and why was God directing us inside?

Crossing over the threshold we wept. Our feet were standing on a hand drawn map that covered the entire floor of the church. The map outlined a community called District Six. Old roads that were no longer visible physically were outlined here and people had drawn pictures of where their homes had been and written the names of their family and friends who lived among them. Isaiah 61, one of the foundational scriptures of Blood N Fire, came quickly to our minds and spirits. 60,000 people had been displaced from District Six alone during South Africa’s apartheid days. It had been a community where all races and religions dwelled together in unity. It had birthplace and home to many a creative, talented musician, writer, actor, artisan, activist, and families.

Blood N Fire, RSA was born in that little church that day. A reminder of the spirit of the Sovereign Lord was upon us, because he had anointed us to preach good news to the poor, to set the captives free, to pour out His oil of gladness, to see God’s beauty rise from the ashes. Wow! We even noticed a building God had specifically shown Ned and me individually 15 years before; saying that was what his church would look like one day. He’d told me the day Ned shared he’d met the Lord and wanted us to go to the Atlanta Vineyard to worship God together as a family: “If you will trust me and go there with Ned one day I will build a church through you and Ned that will not have any other name on it but my own.” Wow! A few years later on a mission trip in London Ned and I received visual pictures simultaneously of what that church would look like. Fifteen years later God led us to the place where he planned to do just that!

On our plane ride home Ned was listening to a Dave Matthews cd, our son plays guitar so what more can we say? The band was playing, All Along the Watchtower and Ned had an amazing vision: Inside the building in Cape Town there were round tables with candles with ten or twelve people at each of the tables. At the end of the room was a stage, a young man was began to play guitar as a spotlight opened on him. The rest of the lights came on and an entire band was playing on stage. The people at the tables stopped talking and rose up, taking part in a large worship service. Afterwards they sat back down and what seemed to be the previous homeless from the streets were now serving them coffee and desserts. The people at the tables seemed to be in community, fellowshipping with one another and with those who were serving. The ones on stage were the youth of the nations and our son Evan was leading them.

We believe this is God’s heart for his church. That whether rich, poor, homeless, and/or talented that we be in relationship with Him and one another. That we reach out to the poor and relationless and build community among them. It will produce the fruit that lasts! As I walked in Kirstenbosch Gardens this rainy morning these thoughts came to mind:

Is this what it’s like to walk in the presence of God? Our friend, Murray Bridgman is enthralled with clouds, seeing God’s presence in them. The mountains were covered with clouds this morning, so thick the mountains could not be seen. It dawned on me then, where the presence of the Lord is we cannot see the mountainous obstacles in our way! You know, those things that weigh our hearts down, distracting us and preventing us from believing who we are! Hello! Can anyone else see it that way? As I pondered it really came to me- Jesus really had done it! He has redeemed the world! Our enemy Satan continues to wreak havoc upon us to prevent us from believing it! He does all he knows to do to prevent us from walking in the light of God’s glory! Keeping us in forms of guilt, shame, doubt and unbelief bedraggles us; weighs our hearts down to where we cannot see or remember who we are! That’s when the separation comes, the wide gap or division that separates us from the place God has made for us with Him! Think about it! We have choices as to what we believe. Jesus told us that ‘as we believe so shall it be done!” Our enemy knows this! How about us? Armed with this knowledge, we walk in the light of His Glory! Jesus said, “With God all things are possible.” Paul taught that “all things are possible for those who believe.” Hebrews 11: “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” We believed!

We sold everything and moved into ‘the warehouse’ with hundreds of former homeless families from the streets and byways of Atlanta to whom Blood N Fire had given sanctuary. This was our home as we prepared to move to a place God would show us, like he had Abraham. It was there I had the dream where God said, “I am sending you to the last greatest place on the earth.”

Flying over Africa November 28, 2000 I had a vision of a great cloud, like the cloud of God’s presence that led the children of Israel out of Egypt into the Promised Land. The cloud covered over all of Africa. The above photo is what it looked like in the heavens to me that day, seeming to confirm He was leading us into our Promised Land.

Nelson & Susan Hill
Blood N Fire, RSA
Cape Town, South Africa

Monday, June 04, 2007

How Far Down the Rabbit Hole of Community Are We Called?

Lewis Carroll's Adventures in Wonderland tell the story of Alice and the white rabbit she followed down the rabbit hole. Morpheus uses the same metaphor to introduce Neo to the "real world." According to Wikipedia the term has also come to signify any event which triggers a completely unexpected, bizarre situation or paradigm.

Our 'journey into community' at Blood N Fire, RSA might just qualify as events triggering completely unexpected, bizarre situations and paradigms. Those events aren't only the ones we encounter in the journey but the ones we face as a result of entering into community with those who are in need. As Nouwen said, Compassion is suffering with the one who suffers. Along our journey in South Africa and Africa we have encountered many who are suffering. Nameless, faceless folks in need of a friend- someone who will care enough to reach out, stretch out their hand to help.

But just how far are we called or committed to going "down the rabbit hole" of faith for Christ? A one time visit to the streets with coffee and prayer introduces us to those so desperately in need they have sought quick fix measures to medicate their needs. And when our money runs out, what then? After we've helped our homeless friend find a place to stay, is that the end of it? Should we remain available to help him figure out the next step in faith? What about Anne and Walter who now cannot work? Their pension contributes toward their rent, keeping them off the street. But what will they do for food? How are we called to help? What about the people in Green Market who desperately try to educate their kids but cannot afford very much? Who are we? What can we do? We can buy their wares, but when it comes to that, we want a deal, don't we? When we know their needs shouldn't we partner in community with them to pray through how to get them the help and support they need? What about the hunreds of thousands of orphans in Rwanda and Uganda? And what of the people in Congo? Who are we? Couldn't be that we have anything to share? Even though we are musicians, writers of worship songs, blogs, websites and the like, we paint, build, travel, play and watch sports, cook, have been educated and have successful careers; yet we have lives of our own. It's not our fault they have needs, are we our brother's keeper? When were you sick and I didn't come to visit, Lord? When were you in prison or hungry or in need? Hmmm.

If I Have Withheld

If I have withheld the desires of the poor
Or let the eyes of the widow grow weary
Let it burn in me, Let it burn in me.

If I have held, my bread to myself
Not sharing with the fatherless people
Let it burn in me, Let it burn.

How Long have I, been in my sin?
How long have I believed this lie?
How long have I not let the helpless in?
Oh Take this yoke from me!
Oh take this yoke from me!

Have I seen you hungry?
And given you no food? Have I seen you thirsty and refused you a drink?
Let it burn in me. Let it burn in me.

Were you sick in prison and I left you by yourself?
Were you clothed in rags in the dead of winter?
Let it burn in me. Let it burn in me.

What can I do to easy this pain?
What can I say to sooth m conscience?
Where can I go to escape this burden?
Oh take this yoke from me! Oh take this yoke from me!

Who'd be my brother's keeper? If I withheld?
Who'd fight the cause of the hopeless? If I withheld?
His children would be led to the slaughter
If I withheld
How could I look into the eyes of the Father? If I withheld?

Written by Jim Arrendell, recorded live at Blood N Fire.

Hebrews 11:1: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

James:2:14-20: What good is it my brothers if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is dead. Some will say, You have faith; I have deeds. Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. You believe that there is one God, Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder. You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless?

I use strong scripture to support my original question- how far are we called or committed to going for God? Maybe do one good deed? Okay, I can take some clothes to the rummage sale this month, it will help me clean my closet. Where is faith in that statement? Or how about the one who has gone in faith yet is powerless to put his faith into action because you have not given what is required? Who, me? Couldn't be! Couldn't be? That's what Neo struggled with and don't we all? Yet Hebrews admonishes us: Faith is what? Being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. How do we know? Through our very own, intimate relationship with God. For isn't it there where we sense and know his will for our lives?

How did Moses know to stretch out his hand to part the waters of the Red Sea that the Israelites could cross over onto dry land? How did Joshua know he was to take up the command to lead them to cross over the Jordan into their promised land? I wonder, do you think all the Israelites simultaneously decided to believe Moses was who he said he was? How about the disciples about Jesus? Do each one of us have a specific role in the body of Christ? We each have a rightful place in the Kingdom of God! His Word says that He will be a lamp unto our feet, that he will light the way for us. How will we be able to recognize the lamp God has lit for us? We are called into relationship with God through Christ via his Holy Spirit. Check out the book of Acts, they watched Jesus ascend into heaven after he told them go back to Jerusalem and wait for the counselor to come, whom my Father promised. They were dismayed and perplexed, sort of stuck where they were after he ascended into heaven. Two angels came and reminded them where they were supposed to be and off they then went.

"When the day of Pentecost came they were all together in one place." That couldn't have been easy! All piled in together, waiting. Did they encounter distractions? Some pressures and stresses? There were probably places the world expected them to be, but their Savior told them- wait! Sort of like a Braveheart moment, there on the battle line with the king's army fast approaching, William Wallace commands them to Hold! to Wait!

"Suddenly a sound like a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them."

How is it they chose to be there? What had they witnessed, what had they seen and who had they put their faith, hope and love in that would cause them to abandon everything until the counselor came?

That's how far down the rabbit hole of community we are called to go! Scripture says "Many are called, few are chosen." What about that man who'd gotten into the feast without wedding clothes? Community means more than seeing someone who appears to be in need. It means entering into a relationship with one who we see has a need. Ouch! Who wants to go that far? And who is that man without the proper attire? Is he always the one in need? Could we be like him? Knowing where we need to be but not how to get there or what clothes we should wear? How do we get in somewhere without the right clothes? Are we counting on someone else to get us there? Are we counting on our networking relationships; our ascent up the ladder in our careers, neighborhoods, committees and churches to get us there instead of relationship with the King of Kings? This is starting to sound like the Tower of Babel story! Christ told us He is the Way! So what are we doing building other networks and relationships, keeping up appearances, etc. to cover our proverbial behinds? What will any of that matter in the Kingdom of God? What will matter is whether you have done what you heard God instruct you to do! Faith comes through hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. But I ask: Did they not hear? Of course they did! Paul to the Romans in Chapter 10:17.

He Lives In You

Night and God's Spirit of Life... Calling
Oh oh, Iyo; Mamala! (Listen) Oh, oh, Iyo
And a voice! With the fear of a child answers....
Oh, Oh, Iyo; Mamala! Oh, oh, Iyo
Wait! There's no mountain too great!
Hear God's word and Have Faith! Ohhhh Oh, oh Iyo; Have Faith!
Hala Hay Mamala, Hala Hay Mamala (Hey Listen!)
He Lives in You!Hala Hay Mamala
He lives in me! Hala Hay Mamala
He watches over,Hala Hay Mamala
Everything we see. Hala Hay Mamala
Into the Water
Into the truth
In your reflection! He Lives in You!

"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."

Susan Hill, BloodNFire, RSA
Cape Town, South Africa
June 3, 2007
Put Your Faith Into Action
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